A closer look at what Obama's energy priorities really are for the next fiscal year
When President Obama rolled out his proposed budget to Congress for the coming year, he said it would build "on the largest investment in clean energy in history." But Obama's definition of "clean energy" includes a commitment to help companies garner billions of dollars in loans for nuclear reactor construction. And, unfortunately, nuclear energy isn't safe or clean and it's too costly for the nation.
The Energy Department faces a brave new world in which, for the first time, it's being called on to employ millions of Americans to create a new energy future for the United States. But it doesn't appear that the Obama administration will meet this challenge. Instead, more of the nation's tapped-out treasure is going for costly nuclear power, and nuclear weapons we don't need and could never use.
Despite Obama's rhetoric about reshaping America's energy future, he's asking for a budget that would have the Energy Department continue to spend 10 times more on nuclear weapons than energy conservation.