Letter from Afghnistan - domination is futile

Source Air America

I was able to convince soldiers from the 82nd Airborne here in Afghanistan to allow me to tag along with them in their Chinook helicopters as they resupply Forwarding Operating Bases (FOBs). FOBs are small little isolated camps scattered throughout the country. And these helicopters provide everything from "beans to bullets." But these guys also essentially serve as bus drivers in the air, transporting men and women across the country. Seems expensive, right? It is! But money isn't the issue. We've proven we're more than willing to spend billions on fighting wars while ignoring humanitarian issues at home and abroad. The real issue is not money in Afghanistan. The real issue is the lack of infrastructure. As I flew aboard Chinooks all day, it became clear that the vast majority of this country has absolutely no infrastructure. I mean no roads, no electricity, no running water, no mail system, no school system. Nothing. Now add another fundamental issue: geography. I have never seen anything like this.