Obama embraces nuclear power

Source Guardian (UK)

"I think nuclear power is going to be a very important factor in getting us to a low carbon future," {Energy Secretary Steven] Chu told the Senate's environment and public works committee. "Quite frankly, we want to recapture the lead on industrial nuclear power. We have lost that lead as we have lost the lead in many energy technologies and we want to get it back." The endorsement of a nuclear revival–a generation after the last reactor was commissioned–suggests the Obama administration is open to further compromises as it seeks to find a path through the Senate. The House of Representatives narrowly passed a climate change bill late last month. Republicans in the Senate, who are almost universally opposed to action aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, as well as Democrats from rust belt states, have been clamouring for a "nuclear renaissance" in America, which would see the construction of 100 new nuclear power plants by 2030.