Sissy AGR staff needs to be fired

Editors, Asheville Global Report, We glanced at the #427 AGR, and as longtime liberals, we can't understand your timid approach taken toward Dubya. May we suggest you immediately dismiss half of your staff that appear to be the most gutless, hire new staff members who have a strong backbone, then fire and replace the remaining weak-kneed staff members. Your present staff appears more sissified than UNC was in the overtime loss in the NCAA basketball tournament; a grade school (possibly kindergarten level) team could have beat UNC. We also take exception to John Edwards continuing to run in the time when his family and wife need to be together during her cancer battle. John's TV announcement shows he is heartless… in addition to being stupid because he doesn't even have a chance of winning compared to Hillary and Obama. It's time for a woman or a minority to win the Oval Office, not a Caucasian lawsuit attorney known for malpractice and KKK skeletons in his family background. Of course, we would rather see Nancy, the wicked but sexier Witch of the West, than Hillary, who seems to suffer from amnesia about the 30 years of continuous gropings, rapings and fornications by impeached, fined and debarred Billy the Pig. Why would we ever want Hillary to have the Pig back in the WH to chase interns with the aid of pimp security bodyguards and the help of fellow fornicators Mel Reynolds, the statutory rapist and wife beater given clemency by Billy the Pig, and faux preacher Jesse J. Sr., who was making babies in the WH Lincoln bedroom when he was supposed to be praying for Billy the Pig. Yes, Hillary the Caucasian Village Queen Bitch brings too much dirty linen back and would require excess work by WH laundry room staff to attempt to clean the uncleanable cloth. As to the AGR, we would consider subscribing if you put out a softer paper, [an] inkless version on rolls similar to toilet tissue, preferably double rolls at a competitive price. Sam Watson Chicago, IL