Afghan Govt. And Taliban Threaten Journalists
Showing videos with tag Hamid Karzai
Afghan Govt. And Taliban Threaten Journalists
U.N. Says Karzai Using Govt. to Win Afghan Election
Law to Let Afghan Husbands Starve Wives Who Withhold Sex
Key Democrat Strategist to Help Karzai Opponent
Karzai: U.S.-Trained Guards Killed Police Chief
Afghan Parliament Protests Against U.S. Air Strikes
White House: U.S. Will Not Halt Afghan Air Strikes
Anger After U.S. Raid Kills Afghan Family
Karzai Wants Taliban Removed from Blacklist
U.S. to Appoint Afghan 'Prime Minister' to Bypass Karzai
More Civilians Killed by Military Forces than Taliban
U.N.: Afghan Civilian Deaths Rose 40 Percent in 2008