All the President's (coal) men

Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Obama's Wyoming giveaway

Source Huffington Post

What really happened in Wyoming last week? Perhaps we should ask billionaire coal hauler Warren Buffett, the "Oracle of Omaha." Energy and climate analysts and Big Green organizations are still staggering around for an answer to the Obama administration's blockbuster news in Wyoming's coalfields last week to greenlight the mining of an estimated 750 million-2.4 billion tons of coal on public lands. According to environmental analysts, "when burned, the coal threatens to release more than 3.9 billion tons of heat-trapping carbon dioxide, equal to the annual emissions from 300 coal-fired power plants." As Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar scrambles to explain his wildly exaggerated claims of the coal lease sales from his announcement, the truth is that this mind-boggling announcement comes on the heels of EPA administrator's proposed new rules to crack down on mercury emissions from coal-fired plants -- that will, in effect, continue the move away from coal-fired energy.