BP's dispersant strategy raises questions

Source Telegraph (UK)
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Considered the lesser of two evils by some environmentalists, the spraying of chemical dispersant into the Gulf of Mexico to break up the giant oil slick comes with its own risks and uncertainties for the environment. Some biologists worry what the long-term effects might be on the Gulf, both from the presence of the oil and the chemicals used to fight it. Larry Schweiger, National Wildlife Federation head, said the method of using underwater dispersant at the source of the leak was untested and could have devastating effects. Others are wondering why Corexit is being used at all. These critics insist another, more effective dispersant is available. Made by the U.S. Polychemical Corporation, Dispersit reportedly was tested by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, which found the dispersant was far more effective than Corexit at breaking down crude oil. and here