Crime labs and their DNA backlog

Source ProPublica

At least 350,000 DNA samples from murder and rape cases remain untested, according to the federal government's best estimates. The story behind the DNA sample backlog–and the uptick in sample collection that is partially responsible–is one that we've been exploring for months, with investigations published in partnership with Politico, the Los Angeles Times and the Huffington Post Investigative Fund. There's no one cause for the surge in untested samples. But in May we detailed how much of it can be traced to new federal and state laws requiring DNA samples from people convicted of–or simply arrested for–nonviolent crimes, including shoplifting. (Check out our map that breaks down the DNA collection laws in various states.) Because of these laws, underfunded and understaffed crime labs are now flooded with DNA samples. In June, ProPublica began tracking five DNA labs to see just how well they're keeping up with efforts to reduce their backlogs. Our findings for July can be found here, and they indicate that little progress has been made.