European activists against economic growth

Source Inter Press Service

The global environmental crisis requires replacing the existing capitalist model of production with one that promotes "selective degrowth" of the economy and the restricted and responsible exploitation of natural resources, according to European experts and activists. The movement led by French economist Serge Latouche, Swiss political scientist Marie-Dominique Perrot, the Climate Justice Action (CJA) association and the monthly "La Décroissance" (Degrowth), among others, calls for different forms of consumption, the redistribution of wealth, and technology transfer towards developing countries. Alexis Passadakis, CJA representative in Berlin, told Tierramérica that "the goals of this restructuring of the economy are the conservation of natural resources and the democratization of their use in favor of the peoples who live in the zones of exploitation, like the Amazon or the Congo Basin." He also said it is necessary "to break away from the market logic that characterizes the current instruments for fighting climate change, such as trading the rights for emissions of greenhouse-effect gases." This carbon market is intended to manage and redistribute greenhouse gas emissions, when its main objective should be to reduce emissions at the source, such as from transportation or energy production, both in the industrialized world and poor countries, he added.