George Will's dishonest assault on unions

Source Media Matters for America

If there was an award for disingenuous sanctimony, Washington Post columnist George Will would be a runaway favorite for his assault on organized labor: "This capital has been convulsed by government employees sowing disorder in order to repeal an election." Absurd. Wisconsin union members are simply seeking to influence the legislative process. That doesn't constitute an effort "to repeal an election" any more than does the Chamber of Commerce lobbying on behalf of tax cuts, or the National Right to Life Committee lobbying on behalf of restrictions on abortion. Individuals, interest groups and businesses attempt to influence the legislative process every day -- but Will singles out only union members as trying to "repeal an election" by doing so. Will, continuing directly: "A minority of the minority of Wisconsin residents who work for government (300,000 of them) are resisting changes to benefits that most of Wisconsin's 5.6 million residents resent financing." Again, disingenuous nonsense.