Judge orders release of Gitmo's youngest detainee

Source New York Times

A federal judge on Thursday ordered that one of the youngest detainees at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, be released by late August in a case that drew wide attention because of rulings that he had been tortured by Afghan officials and abused in American custody. "Enough has been imposed on this young man to date," the judge, Ellen Segal Huvelle, said in a courtroom crowded with people drawn by what had become a confrontation between the judge and the Obama administration. The ruling on Thursday came after a concession by the government last week that it could no longer defend Jawad's military detention in the habeas corpus case before Judge Huvelle. She had declared that the administration's case for continuing his detention after nearly seven years was "riddled with holes" and that virtually all of the government's evidence came from confessions he made after being threatened with death.