Leaked video of shooting spurs calls for new probe

Source Inter Press Service

Journalist advocacy groups called for the reopening of an investigation into the 2007 killing of a Reuters photographer and his driver after the WikiLeaks website released classified video footage on Monday of a 2007 helicopter attack in Baghdad which killed 12 people. "This footage is deeply disturbing," said Joel Simon, executive director of the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists. "The video also confirms our long-held view that a thorough and transparent investigation into this incident is urgently needed," Simon added. The video shows the camera feed from an Apache helicopter gun ship as it performs an air strike on a group of men milling around an empty Baghdad street. The video also shows the helicopter fire on a van which arrived at the scene and was attempting to evacuate the only visible survivor of the first attack. The attack wounded two children who were inside the vehicle. Among those killed were Reuters photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen, 22, and his driver, Saeed Chmagh, 40.