Poll - one in five will drive less after Gulf oil spill

Source Environmental News Service

One in five Americans responding to a new national poll said they plan to drive less after of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. In addition, about one in every eight respondents plans to stop buying British Petroleum, BP, gas altogether. The survey, which polled 1,312 consumers across the country on Monday and Tuesday, found 20.1 percent said they will reduce their gas consumption in response to the oil spill, while 13.2 percent said they would stop buying BP gas. "For years our research has shown America is a see-it-to-believe-it nation. Before we make changes, we need to see things with our own eyes or have a personal connection to something," said Suzanne Shelton, president of Shelton Group, an advertising agency based in Knoxville which conducted the study.