Taliban stealing US Army uniforms

Source Politico

Pentagon officials are warning commanders not to ship Army uniforms through the usual U.S. supply routes in Pakistan and Afghanistan because Taliban fighters are stealing them to "gain a tactical advantage on the battlefield." In a message obtained by POLITICO, the Pentagon tells Army commanders that certain uniform items should be treated as "sensitive cargo" and flown into Afghanistan, not shipped over land, so they won't be intercepted. "There is evidence that the enemy is using pilfered out-garment uniform items to gain a tactical advantage on the battlefield. We must take every measure to prevent this pilferance," the message said. "U.S. outer-garment uniform items are considered highly pilferable items and every effort must be taken to ensure they are safeguarded while in transit." An official with the International Security Assistance Force, the NATO command that runs military operations in Afghanistan, confirmed early Friday that Taliban fighters have worn stolen U.S. military uniforms during attacks against U.S. and Afghan troops, including a failed Aug. 28 raid on two bases in Khost province. Items now covered by the "sensitive cargo" status include tactical vests, plate carriers, cold weather gear and fire-resistant items, as well as standard uniforms. The Army did not respond to a request for comment. The ISAF official said use of the other side's uniform "is certainly an old tactic and one we constantly guard against."