The greatest casualties of this long war are the children of the world

Source The Hill

The War in Afghanistan has now surpassed the number of years we spent in Vietnam, making it the longest war in U.S. history. This grim landmark must serve as an awakening for the human and financial costs of the war. Our continued presence in Afghanistan foments resentment toward us, undermines the human rights of the Afghan people, and places our troops in harm's way. Prior to the Memorial Day break, the House passed a bill authorizing $159.3 billion for the continuation of the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the so-called "war on terror" with little-to-no discussion of the cost our constituents must bear to keep the wars going. The war is creating a new generation of Americans who will experience the trauma of war, like Vietnam veterans before them. Billions of dollars go toward our supposed nation-building in Afghanistan. Yet millions of Americans struggle as funds for essential social services get cut.