Washingon's Afghanistan fib factory

Source EricMargolis.com

Truth is always war's first victim. After nine years of war in Afghanistan, costing over $100 billion in taxpayer money, Americans still don't know the full truth about this murky conflict. They deserve the facts. Instead, more lying and obfuscation from Washington. Three reports about Afghanistan emerged last week in Washington. First, a political whitewash issued by the Obama White House claiming the war was going well and some US troops might be withdrawn next year. This 'don't worry be happy' summary was trumpeted by the pro-war New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and other members of the tame US media. Second, the Red Cross issued a grim report showing that Afghans were suffering widespread malnutrition and serious health problems after nearly a decade of Western occupation. So much for US-led nation-building. Third, there were leaks about a new National Intelligence Estimate (NIE), the combined findings of all 16 US intelligence agencies. This key intelligence report is explosive and may not be fully revealed. The NIE reportedly asserts that the $13 billion a month Afghan War is at best stalemated; at worse, Western occupation forces are on the defensive and their vulnerable supply lines increasingly threatened. Taliban is expanding its control, particularly in northern Afghanistan. Claims by US generals that "progress" is being made in the war are false.