When it comes to federal taxation, we have no liberal politics

Source The Daily Howler

This Monday, a big know-nothing belly-acher stood up and gave Obama what-for about the state of the economy. Her name is Velma Hart. On Tuesday, Hart appeared on Hardball and made one thing clear"she didn't have the first f*cking idea what she was talking about. She didn't have any idea what Obama could do to improve the economy; nor did she say a single word about the relentless Republican intransigence in this policy area. But so what? In a typical reaction, Chris Matthews praised Hart for her "hot dogs-and-beans" rhetorical brilliance. By last night, Bill O'Reilly was heaping praise on Hart. She had stood up to Obama! Pathetically, Digby was also finding ways to speak well of Hart's performance. Boo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo! It's fairly obvious why Digby felt the need to do this. But in her post, Digby even waxed sympathetic about this part of Hart's self-pitying speech to Obama: