Top scientists want research free from politics
Illegal deportation of US citizens challenged
US accused of 'Kangaroo court' system for men accused of role in events on Sept. 11
FBI deputizes business
Bush asserts authority to ignore law again
States consider calling back National Guards from Iraq
Justice not so blind in politically charged cases
US attorney general hints at Bush's permission for torture
Protesters sentenced to federal prison for civil disobedience
Activists in Atlanta show solidarity in 'global day of action'
House Democrats bash Bush over abuse of executive power
Cheney pushes for renewed wiretap powers
Top Dems stall Miers, Bolten contempt vote
Email missing from Cheney's office on day White House told to preserve documents in CIA leak
Parsing the Democrats' Iraq plans
Muslim American voters left out in the cold
Suit: LSU illegally shut down Charity Hospital
Vets cleared to sue US over PTSD claims
ACLU challenges Ohio's unequal voting technology in court
Report says US lenders prey on minorities
ACLU sues law enforcement for shielding Bush from protesters
Top Rumsfeld aide wins contracts from spy office he set up
Plan to allow govt. access to any email or web search
US spy chief: Waterboarding is torture
Traumatized veterans 'have killed 120 in US'
Racial tensions roil Democratic race
Neo-Nazi threatmaker accused of working for FBI
Court rejects government's attempt to deport Egyptian
Introducing the iTaser: MP3 player meets hip, portable shock device
UC Berkeley lawyer who justified torture of detainees sued
Obama, Clinton, Huckabee and Romney Iowa campaign offices occupied by peace activists
Legal community condemns destruction of CIA tapes
CIA chief to drag White House into torture cover-up storm
Official: Justice Dept. slowed probe into phone jamming
ACLU: Scholar banned from US for political beliefs
Scotsman free after 20 years on US death row
NJ to become first state in 30 years to repeal death penalty
Clergy joins 'tapegate' battle
Court throws out parts of anti-terror law as too vague
Coalition slams US record at home